Lymphoma Canada is accepting applications for 2024 research funding


APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 5 2024, at 11:59 pm PDT

Lymphoma Canada research funding is intended to support small, well-defined research studies that have the potential to effect improvements in healthcare, health systems, and/or health outcomes as they pertain to malignant lymphoproliferative diseases.

Proposed research studies may address any of the following broad areas of research, including but not limited to:
• patient-reported outcomes;
• comparative clinical effectiveness;
• pharmaco-economics; or
• health care utilization.

Each grant consists of a one-time payment to a maximum of $50,000, dependent on the nature and budget of the research study. Research studies are to be completed within the agreed-upon term of the study but will not exceed 2 years from the grant start date.

Canadian researchers and healthcare professionals at any stage of their career, including allied health professionals, are invited to apply.

Please review the application guideline for more information on how to apply, and what you will need to include in your application.

Please submit your completed application to prior to the deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

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