2023 Francophone Conference on Lymphoma and CLL for Patients
– Virtual Event
Date: November 15th (11:00am-3:15pm ET)
Lymphoma Canada is pleased to host its 3rd francophone conference for patients. This free educational event will take place virtually and will include presentations by senior academics and specialists from across Canada. Topics on the agenda include information specific to the disease and treatments; the importance of knowing your lymphoma subtype; how new lymphoma treatments are approved in Canada; and a COVID-19 update for patients and their caregivers. All this information will be offered to you from the comfort of your home thanks to our virtual platform. We hope to “see” many of you there virtually!
The national conference is free of charge for patients and their caregivers to watch this year and will be hosted virtually on November 15th We have numerous presentations on disease and treatment options as well as health and wellness during all stages of lymphoma. A complete agenda for the conference can be found below.
The information and content of the videos on this page are for educational or informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals. The information included in each of the videos is current only to the date of presentation.