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Dear Patient, Caregiver, and/or Healthcare Provider:

In September 2011, Lundbeck Canada Inc. filed a New Drug Submission (NDS) for bendamustine (Treanda®) for the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL).   Very soon this drug will be reviewed by the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR ) which assesses cancer drugs and makes recommendations to the provinces and territories to guide their drug funding decisions.

Canadian patient advocacy groups registered with pCODR are invited to provide input about the cancer drugs under review by pCODR by providing a formal patient submission.

Patient input is important to the pCODR drug review as it ensures that those reviewing the drug can begin to appreciate the impact (both good and bad) that the drug under review may have on those taking it, as well as on those caring for patients living with cancer.  The Lymphoma Foundation of Canada intends on providing a submission to pCODR with regards to bendamustine (Treanda®), and we need your help.

We are conducting an online survey to gather information about patients’ experience with Lymphoma, as well as their (prospective) thoughts about any future drug therapy.  We are also seeking information from patients and caregivers who have had direct experience with bendamustine (Treanda®).  We will use the results of this survey to develop our patient submission to pCODR.

Text-based answers provided by patients may be cited in the submission, but names will be removed to protect the privacy of the patients who share their information.

Please take the time to complete this survey within the next few days.

To complete the survey, please click here.

Lymphoma Foundation Canada thanks you for your continued support!

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